No man ever crosses the same river twice. For it is not the same river. And he is not the same man.
6th century B.C.E.
Whispering & Roaring - Iridian Grenada Audio Essay
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The path less traveled...
A bank robber who murdered his accomplice and was imprisoned in 1993 has not yet lost a decades-long battle from his cell to evade further U.S. incarceration thanks to the B.C. Court of Appeal…
Who is Iridian Grenada?
All change starts with a choice. That’s the easy part; “I choose to change.” Step two is much tougher. Change… to what?
On August 20th, 1994, my choice was to become a prisoner. For life. As a choice, it would in every way narrate my change from prison escape artist, bank robber and murderer to student, teacher, husband, father, and community leader. More than thirty years later, in September 2024 – just 8 months after being granted full parole in Canada — I appeared before an audience of more than 800 corrections and justice system officials representing 70-plus nations in Singapore. Their question for me was singular and simple:
How does a man spend 30 years in a cage, surrounded by loathing, death, oppression and then — only 8 months later — travel 8 thousand miles to deliver a message of hope and resilience to the very system that had imprisoned him? So, I told them the truth:
I didn’t. We did.
What 30 years in the 21st century time-machine taught me is that humans have only one strength: Community. It’s our superpower. It was not stoic philosophy that put us on the moon. Only community could do that. For more than 30 years I conveyed community to people who for a myriad or reasons, just never really got it. That I was once amongst them gave me tremendous freeness of speech. It is now my privilege to support you, your team, or organization in building your own sense of community. It’s the reason I’m here.
November, 2024

"Punishment or correction: You have to choose one. To do otherwise is to inhale and exhale at the same time. Not possible..."
On September 3, 2024 – just 8 months after receiving full parole from a 30 year stint in prison – I delivered this simple, but obvious message to 800 plus corrections and justice officials from more than 70 nations at the annual meeting of the International Prisons and Corrections Association (ICPA) in Singapore. Carrots and sticks may work for donkeys. Humans live on inspiration.